
Spring is here!

My heart beats faster when I wake up to warm beautiful sunny weather! Springtime is my favorite time of year! I feel new and peaceful and happy! I have been a bit behind this week on cookie blogging because of the sun!  Everyday I have been outside! I cant wait for the warm weather to plateau out and become summer! We have been busy bees these past few weeks too! A handful of days at the park, regularly scheduled family feasts, and many more days car shopping! In the world of new car shopping; I didn't know that such stress existed! Prior to moving back to a small a town we were a 1 car family and had the wonderful economical conveniences of the "L" or a cab. And when I say wonderful, I mean the trained patience we learned for using the CTA and large sense of financial fear from the ever dreaded parking ticket! Plus, we had all things with-in walking distance and rarely drove anyways. Since moving back we have still been a 1 car family for the past 6 months or so, and are more then ready to graduate to the next step! Oh the places we will go! We also acquired a permanent foster child this past week. Bernard the fish, previously mentioned, has found his new home here with us and is my son's new sole responsibility! Bernard's other "siblings" at his original residence were trying to "play" with him. And by that I mean the cats were a little too curious! He has already become a vital part of our home! This week I went for the butterfly cookie. I am pleased with the results of my three different designs and color combinations. I stuck with the cream cheese sugar cookie dough and am just so happy with it! I think it will become my new staple! I need to figure out how to add texture to my cookies in some form. I have used the sugar crystals and things similar to that. I tried these tiny little purple beads this week. I struggled getting them to stick and to be applied in a uniform fashion.  I am thinking it will be a future goal and you may see more of all that jazz in future posts. For now and until next week, enjoy!


One Cookie! Two Cookie! Red Cookie! Blue Cookie!

Wow! 106 years old! That's how old the great and talented Dr. Seuss would have been had he lived till today! My son and I are great fans of much of his work. One of our favorite books is "I am not going to get up today!" And all of you grew up loving Dr. Seuss just as much, I am sure! I searched high and low for any form of Dr. Seuss shaped cookie cutters. I looked for The Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, Horton, and so on, but even on-line I was struggling to come up with something close to what I wanted! So I tried a little icing free-hand this week! If I find the type of cutters I wanted I will definitely be doing this again! So an ode to the eccentric man in cookies? A delicious idea! I have found, what I am starting to believe is the NEW cookie dough of my dreams! And yes, I do dream alot about cookies! This sugar cookie dough has an unrecorded amount of cream cheese blended into it! This is the best dough to date to work with and it is staying soft through out the week after they have been baked off and decorated! Many times, once the cookies have been iced they lose much of their gooey goodness and become a little too sweet. The icing dries them out and after a few days they taste like straight sugar. With this dough I think I could keep cookies about 5 days and still be unembarrassed to offer one to someone! On that note, my official apologies to all friends and relatives that have received a plate of week old, beautifully decorated cookies that taste like dollar store rock candy! Yeash! Until now, I was only giving 1-2 day old cookies to anyone that I still wanted to impress! But with this fabulous dough; Let all who want good cookies, get good cookies! It is my own form of a Marie Antoinette moment!


A school of...cookies!

I am so excited this week! I changed my white-chocolate cookie dough a little from the original recipe and I am much happier with the outcome! I think it is still in need of some tweaking, but this week they were bordering on delicious! I also changed it up a little with the icing, and aside from the ensuing carpal-tunnel, I think it was a good result. I made fish cookies as an ode to my brother and his girlfriend's newest pet, Bernard. The jury is still on the compatibility with his three other siblings (all cats!) I used my regular icing to outline and fill the first layer on the cookies. Then I switched to a royal icing for the detailing. I also made a two toned look by using individually bagged colors in the same piping bag; and piped them out together! That, I thought was so fun! My son especially loved the cookies this week because he felt one step closer to getting his own pet fish. There is a cute pet store nearby that we walk to often and he always says "Hi" to each of HIS fish. He is a lover of all things animals, especially the extinct ones! We are redoing his room in to a dinosaur paradise! This week we even got him a big boy bed! He is so excited! I am so overwhelmed! Is my baby really big enough for a real bed! And after a handful of sleepless nights with my husband, myself, our wiener dog, 2 large stuffed animals, 3 plastic dinosaurs each with their own blanket, and then occasionally my son, squished into a full sized bed, he is finally "big enough" to sleep on his own! If we ever have to do that again, I will just bribe the kid with cookies!