My heart beats faster when I wake up to warm beautiful sunny weather! Springtime is my favorite time of year! I feel new and peaceful and happy! I have been a bit behind this week on cookie blogging because of the sun! Everyday I have been outside! I cant wait for the warm weather to plateau out and become summer! We have been busy bees these past few weeks too! A handful of days at the park, regularly scheduled family feasts, and many more days car shopping! In the world of new car shopping; I didn't know that such stress existed! Prior to moving back to a small a town we were a 1 car family and had the wonderful economical conveniences of the "L" or a cab. And when I say wonderful, I mean the trained patience we learned for using the CTA and large sense of financial fear from the ever dreaded parking ticket! Plus, we had all things with-in walking distance and rarely drove anyways. Since moving back we have still been a 1 car family for the past 6 months or so, and are more then ready to graduate to the next step! Oh the places we will go! We also acquired a permanent foster child this past week. Bernard the fish, previously mentioned, has found his new home here with us and is my son's new sole responsibility! Bernard's other "siblings" at his original residence were trying to "play" with him. And by that I mean the cats were a little too curious! He has already become a vital part of our home! This week I went for the butterfly cookie. I am pleased with the results of my three different designs and color combinations. I stuck with the cream cheese sugar cookie dough and am just so happy with it! I think it will become my new staple! I need to figure out how to add texture to my cookies in some form. I have used the sugar crystals and things similar to that. I tried these tiny little purple beads this week. I struggled getting them to stick and to be applied in a uniform fashion. I am thinking it will be a future goal and you may see more of all that jazz in future posts. For now and until next week, enjoy!
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