
Are you ready for some...cookies!

In an ode to the big game, I dedicated me cookie-making creativeness to the event! I tried a new dough and a new icing this week and was Okayed by it. I would change a few things next time with the dough for sure, but thrilled to have the experience! I realized I have little skills in the medium of free-hand tracing! I tried, and tried, and then tried to draw the Saints’ sign for the helmet from a picture I downloaded. It never did quite take on the right shape. Oddly enough I found that I am a rare individual that has to look at a picture, for hours perhaps, and then draw it from memory. It worked! Huh, I guess I have to avoid the pressure of the perfect looking clipart staring me down while I draw! But, pencils in the end seam dull in comparison to icing; much more entertaining to draw with! And definitely more my style! I tried out peanut butter dough for the footballs. They weren't hard enough to break your teeth off, but not what you'd call a "sink your teeth into" sort of cookie either! I think I'll try omitting the ground pecans the recipe calls for or adding more butter to moisten up the dough for the next run! I think id I could perfect this dough, it would be a "teeth sinker" for sure! I used a chocolate frosting to pipe out the lines on the footballs. Then I pursued the task of recreating the two opposing teams helmets, complete with my previous discussed drawing techniques! I think they turned out all right, and not to toot my own horn, but I was pleased with the result! Toot! Toot! 

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